Athletics » Athletic Clearance

Athletic Clearance

O'FARRELL SPORTS PHYSICALS: Students who wish to participate in sports activities during the 2024/25 school year will need to have a Sports Physical. 


PHYSICAL CLEARANCE: Students who wish to participate in a sport for the 2024/2025 school year you will need to have Physical Clearance completed and be cleared before you can practice. Screenings may only be performed by a licensed MD, DO, PAC, and NP. Also, screenings are good for 1 year. If expired or if you are a new athlete, a new screening is required for the 2024-2025 school year participation.


Parents/Students: Online digital clearance packets are now open. In order to go through the clearance process, you must create an account on CIF Clearance Portal



Youtube Video Guidance

Instructions (English) CAAthleticClearance.pdf

Instructions (Spanish) CAAthleticClearanceSpanish.pdf


*****If you have completed a physical within a year, please upload a copy of that physical to the clearance packet. If it is longer than a year, it is expired and you are required to complete a new physical which is located in the digital clearance packet.


Please visit the O'Farrell Charter School website ( for information on specific sports information. Please contact Chris Baker, Athletic Director at [email protected] with any questions regarding Athletics. You may also contact our Athletic Trainer Dana Tate at [email protected] regarding clearance.